Since it is the season of spreading hate, discontent and defragmenting an already torn-apart society, let me add my two cents - in a bid, of course, to spare Danish cows our wrath!
I just stumbled across this on the www! And it left me gasping for air.. breath in, breath out.. I am hyper-ventilating - really.. and I, from this podium, call for a relatiation, against all those who poke fun of our religious symbols, icons and most important, our ideology!
There were other offensive things as well.. but I will leave them for later ;)
fight! fight! FIGHT!
I really don't know how many fronts we should fight at, especially when there are more pressing problems to solve at home!
SBG. this is not funny, I know you're just trying to highlight the issue but I am talking about it cuz it's a sad fact that this is what Bahrain is heading towards, I mean thank God there ARE people who don't believe in this BS but there are -on the other hand- a lot others who THRIVE on such issues, they don't care about anything but to eliminate each other, the question is.. what do we people "in the middle" are going to do about it? we need ppl to know that such mentalities are not welcome.
No worries LIB team.. This isn't a Bahraini plant.. It is from the www...but it is just to draw attention to the fact that there are lots of satarical attacks against religion and religious icons out there...AND it isn't only Islam which is being attacked ;)
Once again, how many things do we want to dig up and how many war fronts can we fight?
I for one don't find the pic/toy/candy (what exactly is it??) not in the least bit funny. To me it is just another example on how people disrespect others in the name of freedom of speech, satire, humor, etc... How sad. It seems people are regressing instead of advancing as a society and human race. Pathetic.
pathetic indeed .. but it is happening.. what can we do to stop it? or should we?
it really is up to the people involved in making and marketing these items to weigh their options..and up to us to buy or boycott (hehe) them.
it's a free world afterall ;)
In your own words....****sigh.
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