A few years ago I went to watch a play by a British group with a former Iraqi colleague..
At half-time, we were in the lobby, when two english whores turned around at us and asked: "What are the Arabs doing here when they can't even speak English?" and then continued their empty discussion, trying to analyse the play!

It was an amusing conversation. They (the english roses) were debating what INSOMNIA was! I couldn't believe my ears. I was about to attack them with a sarcastic remark, when I realised that they really weren't worth wasting my breath on.

First, they trash us because we were Arabs and we aren't supposed to be there, enjoying what they thought was an entertainment activity reserved for people of lower intelligence like themselves; secondly, they are in our country and still look down upon us; thirdly, the dim-wits didn't even understand their own language.

What made me remember this incident now? Don't know.. insomnia probably.. and I don't want anyone to ask me what it is..


Blewyn said...

SBG - unfortunately when a people or country choose to play host to people from another, you get the dross as well as the talent. It's a shame that people like these give us Brits a bad name, but there you go..

Ainalyaman - what are you smoking dude ?

SillyBahrainiGirl said...
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SillyBahrainiGirl said...

thanks blewyn for your unbiased comment.
mohammed and ain, i don't want this to take another dimension.
i have worked with brits all my life, and i owe them ALL that i know in my profession.
my comments are not targeted towards all expats here.
it was just a rant about those two half-wits who are probably rejects from their communities anyway!

SillyBahrainiGirl said...

Yes. They certainly were blondes!! hehehehe

SoulSearch said...

Dear SBG,
I'm new here, and I think your blog is brilliant. I work in an office full of Brits and they all look down on me just becoz I'm an Arab, although I'm the only one with a degree (in English Lit, for that) and I even specialize in American Politics and Literature, and they still think they are better than me. I guess they think they have blue blood in them....


ainialyaman said...

Blewyn,didn't you know that Americans and Brits sniff and fill their mouths with tobacco.

Blewyn said...

Er....no, Ainalyaman, we don't.

Mikki Marshall said...

here in america, they only fill their mouths with tobacco in appalachia territory or trailer housing... ;-)

SillyBahrainiGirl said...

i think blonde women are being made the butt of jokes because of SPITE!

Anonymous said...

can't fall asleep at night and in the morning i feel sooo tired.
this may be because i can't shut my mind off when i go to bed (at ten btw!)
give me your tips to fall asleep pleeeeaseeee i already used the sildenafil tip

free google sms said...

Juxtabook - trust you will now take a look at the Shaw?cna test questions

Ramesh said...

You can buy generic ambien from insomnia it works.

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