Here's a picture I took this weekend at the Royal Botanical Garden ... where they had their annual orchids show. I have about 500 shots of different flowers... so if I am too busy to bother you with my silly thoughts... you will understand.
Silly Bahraini Girl is a blog for all of us - women blessed with a brain which ticks and a heart that throbs. A Bahraini girl is never silly but there are some factions out there who insist that we are not given our place in the society. To those, I say, HARD LUCK!
WARNING: This is a SILLY blog. You may continue surfing at your own risk. Silly Girl is not responsible for any misunderstandings which may or may not arise. Disagreements are healthy. Keep them up. Feel free to use profanity. Freedom of expression is guaranteed as long as your views are in line with the Constitution of the Land of the Lord.
Thanks habibi! You aren't far off .. Bitch is my middle name!
And I am more than honoured to be the scapegoat for all the evils in this world!
That fat hypocrite can eat my moustache for all I care. He sings about freedom of speech night and day, but then goes ahead and blocks or mocks anyone who voices a different opinion than his.
Fat? It's not to nice to judge people by physical appearance.
Hypocrite? Definitely :)
Excuse me.. This isn't supposed to be a Mahmood-bashing post. If you have anything you want to tell him, head over to his blog and spill all that's in your hearts there.
And Evil Odd.. I thought you were the voice of reason.. Sigh!
"Fat? It's not to nice to judge people by physical appearance.
" <-- tell me that's not the voice of reason!!
But you are right - the comments were off topic. I'll pick a more appropriate place next time.
Evil Odd,
Because 'mukanek 3oud wayed'.. you are forgiven :)
Sorry, won't happen again. I'm blocked on his blog though as are countless others...
Father of the Head,
What Mahmood does on his blog is entirely his business. It is just that I don't have the energy or inclination to get involved in a tit for tat battle over anything at all. If you have a problem with him, sort it out there, on his space, but don't come here and call him names because that is just not right. And don't expect me to keep quiet either, because I don't encourage such name-calling.
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