Ehem .. ehem.. My better half and I treated ourselves to Lord of the Dance when it visited our town a few nights ago!! Needless to say, it was spectacular, rewarding and amazing to say the least.
We bought our tickets a month in advance and went to the nearby theatre an hour before the show. As expected, it was a FULL HOUSE, the music and dancing exceptional!!
I've heard this show is spectacular! Good for you for going. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I bet ur doing the dance at home! ;)
Thanks Tooners!
I wouldn't be able to perform the dance, even if Michael Flatley was my instructor!!!
It was spectatular indeed, considering that I have been dying to see it being performed live ALL my life!!
I had caught a part of it once at a gala celebration in some exotic spot, which I can't disclose here. They didn't fly the full troupe but just a few of the dancers, who rocked the stage and made me vow to watch the full performance one day.
A few years later, I was in the same German town it was being performed in.. hehe .. needless to say.. I didn't know about it until after the show!
I will make sure to see yet when they come over here, 2 wk from now Cats will be on..and I am going.
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