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This is from today's GDN:

MANAMA: A Bahraini teenager who died following a tragic car accident on Tuesday night was buried yesterday afternoon. Shaikha Salah Rashid Al Saad, aged 17, had just graduated from Naseem International School. She died yesterday from severe head injuries sustained in the crash and was buried in Muharraq cemetery.
It is understood she was thrown out of the car when it flipped over after hitting the central reservation.
The Mini Cooper was being driven by her friend Shaikha Aysha bint Salman Al Khalifa, aged 17, who lost control on Shaikh Khalifa Bin Salman Highway and hit the central reservation on the Burgerland flyover.
They were heading towards Seef when the accident happened and the car came to rest on the opposite side of the road.
Ms Al Saad was declared brain dead upon arrival at Salmaniya Medical Complex's Accident and Emergency Department and did not regain consciousness, sources told the GDN.
Meanwhile, Shaikha Aysha was transferred to the BDF Hospital and was understood to be suffering from concussion and back injuries.
A third passenger, who has been identified as a Kuwaiti named Dana, was discharged from SMC the same night of the crash.
No more details were available yesterday.

The cat has bitten Silly Girl's tongue. What is a 17-year-old girl doing behind the wheel?


أبو سنان said...

Sure Mohammed, what is written is written. Here in the USA everyone can drive from the age of 15, with supervision, and from age 16 alone.

It all depends on the kids being talked about. Some kids are very mature for their age and can handle the responsibility. My kids, on the other hand, will probably start driving at age 30. LOL!

SillyBahrainiGirl said...

According to government laws, only those above the age of 18 and who hold a valid driving license can drive in wonderland.

ainialyaman said...

spoiled dynasty.Alas!

SillyBahrainiGirl said...

What does this mean?

SillyBahrainiGirl said...

wasta is a way of life in wonderland. wasta makes the world go round. wasta means that u don't to stand ina queue. wasta means you are above the law. wasta distiguishes animals from humans.

those with wasta are more equal than others !

SillyBahrainiGirl said...

oops... too many typos...

lemme attempts that again:
wasta is a way of life in wonderland. wasta makes the world go round. wasta means that u don't have to stand in a queue. wasta means you are above the law. wasta distinguishes animals from humans.

After all, those with wasta are more equal than others !

ainialyaman said...
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ainialyaman said...

We suffer of that destructive apparatus in Yemen Felix.

SillyBahrainiGirl said...

Ain Al Yaman,
It's not only Yemen.. It's not. It is the cancer eating the flesh of this society..

muscati said...

17 year old girls from the royal family already have their royal "Sheikha" title?

SillyBahrainiGirl said...

tough! some people are born with titles and others aren't..

not a difficult fact in life to grasp I am afraid!

Anonymous said...

You have good content on your blog keep up the good work

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