Speaking to family and friends in the Gulf cracks me up.. brrrrrrrrrrrrr...It's cold here, they moan.
Sigh! If I could afford it my dear fellow creatures.. I would book you all tickets to come here and enjoy the freezer outside :)
(this picture was taken almost three weeks ago .. and the snow has melted since...but the temperature still drops to zero .. and the snow will fall again)
You have central heating...
i've lived in boston in minus 30 degree weather, and i've lived in bahrain in 10 degree weather. dont know what it is that makes the 10 degree weather feel colder! enjoy the snow!
I second battuta!
As I'm typing this both my fingers and toes are numb!
LOL! Speaking to my sister now who says she is freezing .. hehe ..
True.. I didn't know what we would have done without central heating!
I love winter pics. The snow is romantic and has such a peaceful property about it. How have you been? Hope all is well.
I have been in Bahrain since Wednesday, i will be moving here next month, and i have never been colder in my life!! the heat at the hotel is not working properly, or maybe the hotel is not equipped with it? not sure! i admit, i am not very prepared for such cold weather, so i did not bring my heavy coat with me! it is about 13 degrees during the day with wind too and as low as 3 degrees Celsiuses at night! central heating makes a huge difference! i lived in Chicago for many years but never felt the cold weather even when it hit 20 below zero there! i cannot wait for the warm weather to reach back here.
living in Dhahran n 'suffering' most of the same chilly weather I find it pretty much fun
n its fun being soo close to the snow but never really getting there [yet]
Thanks Jeoprah .. All well here.. How's life at your end?
Hope you enjoy your time in Bahrain. Summer is around the corner .. LOL.. and I can't wait to read your take on it :)
Snow is fun for the first few hours.. but then it gets monotonous!
well I havnt ever been in snow.. just wanna jog in it
I guess these things are relative but 0C would be a lovly warm day here. We have had some -40C nights.
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